Nothing (video billboard) - 2013
8 second single-channel video interspersed amongst ads on a digital billboard
Commissioned by John G Hampton & Neutral Ground for the exhibition Please Stare, Regina SK
Excerpt from Please Stare curatorial statement:
"When an artwork moves from the sterility of the gallery into the hyper competitive language of advertisements it inevitable changes the relationship with the viewer, but it can also change the viewer’s relationship with the medium. How can art implanted into this realm inform the ads that accompany it? While viewers have come to accept the absurd or the unexpected within the walls of a gallery does the same cavalier attitude extend to work not explicitly framed as art? When an ad isn’t ‘selling’ anything does it put the viewers guard down, opening them up for a more reciprocal relationship with public space and images, or is it merely just harder to ‘get’? Please Stare offers space for experimentation and communication with advertisements, public space and cultures of display."
Exhibition History:
2013 Neutral Ground: Offsite Video Billboards (Regina SK)